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How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Transforms Thought Patterns in Depression Patients

Team Psychotherapy

Depression is arguably the most common mental disorder in the world. Depression is characterized by extreme or chronic unhappiness and loss of interest in things that once mattered to you. It can cause you to shut down and avoid your normal daily activities, such as work and spending time with family and friends. In extreme cases you may feel as if life is not worth living. 

Depression can be treated in a variety of ways, one which is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT for short. Learn how CBT transforms thought patterns in depression patients. 

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? 

Cognitive behavioral therapy targets both thoughts and behaviors. The goal of cognitive behavioral therapy is to help you change your thought patterns and behaviors to be more positive. This may be achieved through talk therapy with a trained therapist. 

What is Talk Therapy? 

Talk therapy, also known as psychotherapy, involves talking about your thoughts and feelings with a therapist. The point of talk therapy is to identify negative thought patterns and behaviors in order to make positive adjustments. You will meet regularly with your therapist on a schedule that works for you to talk about your progress. 

How Does Talk Therapy Achieve Results? 

Your therapist may give you “homework”, meaning suggestions for strategies to try between therapy sessions that will help you think and act more positively. As you try out these strategies and notice positive changes in how you feel or the feedback you receive from others, you begin to make permanent adjustments to the way you think and act. 

Does Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Require Medication? 

Not all people who suffer from depression will need medication, but it is always an option to help make CBT more effective. Mild to moderate cases of depression may be managed with talk therapy alone, but severe cases may respond more effectively when medication is prescribed. Most therapists agree that a combination of medication and talk therapy is more effective than medication alone. 

Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 

Cognitive behavioral therapy provides the following benefits to your mental health:

  • Learn how to more effectively manage your thoughts and feelings so that they don’t result in negative behaviors. 
  • Learn how to process situations that you can’t control in ways that give you control over your reactions. 
  • Learn positive self-talk strategies that prevent negative thoughts from taking over and distorting reality. 
  • Gain self awareness that allows you to recognize negative thoughts and stop them before they cause negative behaviors. 

Where to Seek Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 

If you experience symptoms of depression, cognitive behavioral therapy may be the right treatment for you. South County Psychiatry provides a variety of treatment options for depression that may include talk therapy, medication, and other strategies. 

Contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment at the location nearest you. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Does insurance cover cognitive behavioral therapy? 

Some medical insurance plans include coverage for mental health services. If you’re not sure what your plan includes, refer to your benefits guide or contact your insurance provider for more information. We accept most major insurance providers and plans. 

Can depression be permanently cured? 

It is possible that depression can be cured through therapy. You can make permanent changes to your thought patterns and behaviors that could prevent you from slipping back into depression. However, relapse is possible and may require retreatment. Relapses may be easier to overcome, simply requiring a reminder of the strategies previously learned.